Fees & Payments

The Centre is run on a “Not for Profit” basis and therefore fees will be kept minimal while ensuring appropriate and substantial funding.

Family Membership Fees:

An annual membership fee is charged to every family when they enrol or re-enrol at the centre each year.
Membership fees are below:
Term 1 – $20
Term 2 – $20
Term 3 – $10
Term 4 – $20 (includes Term 4 and the annual membership fee for following year)

Before and After School Attendance Fees:

Session Type Morning Session (per child) Afternoon Session (per child)
Permanent Booking $15.66 $27.14
Casual Booking $18.79 $30.28

The above fees are effective from Monday, 17th March 2025.

Ezidebit Fees

Administration Fee (once only): $0.99

Bank Account Transaction Fee: $0.80

Credit Card Transaction Fee: VISA/Mastercard 1.85%; AMEX 2.2%

EZIDEBIT Dishonour Fee: $9.90 per dishonoured transaction (to be charged directly from Ezidebit)

Centre Dishonour Fee: $15.00 per dishonoured transaction (to be applied to parent account at the centre)

Vacation Care Attendance Fees:

The Family Membership fee must be paid to enrol in Vacation Care.

Vacation Care fees vary based on the activity running on the day. Please check out our Current Vacation Care Program to view our prices.

Late Collection Fee:

Our closing time is 6:00 pm. Parents who collect their children after 6:00 pm will be charged a late fee of $10.00 for the first 5 minutes and $5.00 for every minute after, to cover the cost of the staff who need to stay at the centre with your child. If you realise that you are going to be late collecting your child/ren, please contact the Centre immediately. If a child has not been collected by 6:30 pm and attempts to contact the parents and authorised persons have failed, staff will contact NSW Government Human Services Community Services (formerly DoCS) and the police. It then becomes a legal matter.

Early Drop off Fee

If you drop your child off before 7:00am, (7:30am during Vacation Care) you may be charged an early drop off fee. The charge is $10.00 for the first five minutes and $5.00 for every minute after until opening time.

Non-Notification Fee:

It is very important that the Centre is notified by phone call, answering machine or by form that a child is going to be absent.  If the Centre is not notified that a child is not attending the Centre, we need to find where the child is which takes time and attention away from the other children at the centre. If the child’s parents can’t be contacted half an hour after the session has commenced and the child is on the roll, it is procedure that the Police are to be contacted and a search commenced until the child is accounted for.

It is not sufficient to advise the school that your child will be absent. Parents/Guardians are to advise the Centre if their child will be absent for any reason whatsoever (e.g. if your child is sick, if they are going to a friend’s house for the afternoon, if another person will be collecting them from school etc.). If it is a permanent or casual booking you will still be charged for the day. Please remember that if your child leaves school early (half day) for whatever reason, dentist- doctor appointments, going home sick or injured. Centre staff still need to be notified otherwise you will be charged A NON NOTIFICATION FEE of $5 for the day in question.

Not Signed Out Fee:

Children must be signed in for morning sessions and out at the end of the day when they are collected from the Centre, according to Legislated requirements. Failure to sign out your child will incur a penalty fee of $5, which will be added to your account payable

Child Care Subsidy (CCS):

Families attending Concord OSHC can claim the Childcare Subsidy (CCS) if they are eligible FAQ page

Please ensure you provide the below information when you enrol (or shortly after) so Becklyn (administrators for the OSHC) can create an enrolment with Centrelink:

  1. Guardian registered to receive CCS
  2. This person’s CRN
  3. This person’s DOB
  4. Each child’s CRN
  5. Each child’s DOB

To find out more about the Childcare Subsidy (CCS), please refer to the FAQ page